
Dubai: Etihad Opens Travel Mall ~ To Become World's Best Travel Company

Etihad Airways has opened the new Etihad Travel Mall, its flagship one-stop travel retail and check-in facility in Dubai.

Etihad Travel Mall - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
The Etihad Travel Mall offers, under one roof, everything guests need to plan, book and travel with the airline.  Travellers are able to purchase a ticket, check-in for a flight, drop off baggage and board an Etihad Express luxury coach bound for Abu Dhabi International Airport.

After checking in at Etihad Travel Mall, passengers can simply proceed to immigration and security on arrival at the airport.

Source: Asia Travel Tips

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  1. Nice feed Freddie, I love reading about Dubai - I hope I could visit or even work in this place soon. I would love to go to this strategic place that they built too. :)

    1. There are many things happening in Dubai these days and most of them are extraordinary. The Tower of Arabs, The Water Discus Hotel/Underwater Hotel and Ski Dubai are just three of them. These are wonderful man-made creations that I am also eager to see.

      Thanks for dropping by Christeen.


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